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2010年11月4日 星期四

Why not not fun for recession

Maybe we need a new definition of "recession."

It will come as no assistance at 15 million Americans who are unemployed, but the Committee August economists finally announced that the recession is officially over. Actually it's more than a year ago.No, you won't miss celebration there was.

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For all the drama in the past few years, the final act of the big slump was surprisingly anticlimactic.Group of economists from the National Bureau of economic research, a private, non-profit group finally agreed that the recession ended in June 2009 is the point at which the economic activity stop drop and started to grow. Economists call this "trough", since the lowest level at which the economy down. It takes 15 months to know this, because the number crunchers wanted to have a year cost analysis — and not in a hurry to decide that little impact on the real economy.

Usually it can increase consumer spirits have official confirmation that we are on the way to prosperity. Nevertheless, even economists appears to be mystified at the "recovery", characterized by sky-high unemployment, loss of income, poverty and endless housing bust recession ending in ad NBER noted that hitting the gutters in June 2009 wasn't exactly how to do this happy hour on Friday afternoon it was more like Unidentifiable moment you stop getting more drunk and start getting less drunk. The Committee did not conclude, economic conditions, for the same month were favorable, "NBER explained" or that the economy has returned to acting on the normal capacity .... Gutter marks the end of the fall and early growth phase of the business cycle. "

[See 6 ways to say when the recession is really more.]

Now the problem that almost stagnant growth phase. After a year's worth of decent growth, fueled by government spending, the Federal Reserve manoeuvres and rebounding stock market clearly has been restored. Companies are laying off people in the crowd, but just barely. State and local authorities, once reliable employers slashing their own payroll drop their budgets. Housing Bust seems headed for the fifth year, with sales of miserable tumbling after Government incentives and prices may be down.In the stock market, in response to all gloom, sagged from April.

Announcement of NBER means that if the economy slips back into recession, will officially be two parallel recession or prolonged, one for most people this distinction makes little difference. Nevertheless, the end of the recession, NBER provides the best way to compare today's economy with previous periods — and guess what might happen next.

Jobs usually take some time to come back after the recession officially ended, and it is clear that this time is different. It's amazing what one way, in the labour market is bouncing today even faster than after a recession. Total employment lower in December 2009 in accordance with the NBER — in just six months after the end of the recession after the recession ended in November 2001, she took a 21-month for drift down to its lowest point and back up.That could indicate that we are doing better now than it was during "unemployed" recovery, after the 2001 recession.

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The reason he doesn't feel that way is 2007-2009 recession was longer and deeper than previous downturns — and we now know how much more and deeper with a finish date for a big recession, we know that it lasts for 18 months.The average duration of the recession after the second world war was 11 months and longer, up to one, we have just experienced is 16 months.Forecasting firm IHS Global opinion indicates that the last recession is also the most serious since the second world war, with GDP drop 4.1% from its peak to decline in 2009, we have yet to find anything.

What makes current "recovery" worse than low moments earlier recessions.The current unemployment rate is 9.6% — a tenth of a point higher than in June 2009, when we hit this trough.At the end of recession of 2001 unemployment rate was just 5.5% since 1991, recession, unemployment rate was 6.8% compared to today, these channels seem like mountain peaks.

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Now the question is whether the economy will continue to slowly improve or to fall back into another bout of recession in the early 1980s. then a short recession have given way to restore a mirage, after a long decline overall economy is in recession 22 months of 35 between January 1980 and November 1982.

IHS double dip recession risk pegs that time approximately 25 per cent; others think, chances are high and there are those who argue that we have the second dip. Economists is that it'll feel like a recession for a long time, no matter what the Statistics say. Where the unemployed are beginning to look for jobs, stabilize the value of the home, consumers start up costs and incentives, Government stops will mean an end to psychological recession nation. maybe we will be celebrating.

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