When you're 10 years old, you just can't wait to be a teenager. When you are a teenager, you tend to be at home and away at College. When you're in College, a graduation not come soon enough. And when you're toiling away at your career, you long for the day when you can slow down and finally retire. Then you retire and something happens, nothing is expected.
[See 10 key retirement ages, plan for.]
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything actually look forward to. However, after retirement, of course, the next phase of life that we expected. In fact, the next phase of natural death, this is not what we expected at all. We spend our entire lives trying to put on that one.
Until retirement age we live in a natural state forward thrust. We are working on something. We build, build the future. Retirement planning is all that comes to screeching halt, and may be difficult to adapt to the course, we look forward to a trip to Europe or visiting grandchildren, but we stopped looking ahead to the future with a capital f. pension is what we work for our entire adult lives. Since we fantasize about our future, when we actually live in it?
I always thought that fantasizing about the future is one of the greatest pleasures of life. We get through all the difficult parts of other phases, daydreaming about next. Fortunately, research says, I'm wrong about this. A recent study by Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, Matthew North and actually shows that daydreaming about the future doesn't really us happy at all. In fact, a mind that wandering past or future apparently makes us less happy. Lucky respondents at Harvard study thought about what happens at this time.
[See 5 ways to determine if you are ready to retire.]
It's not exactly a new solution. Positive psychology researcher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow called it an act of such involvement while engaged in activities, time flies. When you are interested in what you do, your mind does not wander to something else. Not surprisingly, this research involved in most, well, engaging activities, were very happy because their minds are not wandering away from activities at your fingertips. Among the activities most type of participation had sex, conversation and meditation. Two types of activities that allow most mind wandering work and commuting to work.
[See 5 ways to keep pension exciting.]
This is good news for those who got to the point of retirement. Besides the fact that you no longer are two of the most vulnerable wandering activity as your mind is obsessed with the next phase of your life. Because dreaming about your future actually makes you less happy, here's your chance to stop doing something that does not really you happy anyway. Without this next phase of the stop, you can think of here and now. Now you are free to live in the future, you're fantasizing about.
Lagier Sydney is a former certified public accountant. Since retiring in 2008 at the age of 44, she wrote on the transition from a productive member of society to GAL leisure on your blog, retirement: the complete works.