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2010年10月13日 星期三

Report: fertilizers, the overload of the Earth plant life

Fertilizer use has exploded, equipment overloaded world, probably changing ecosystems for decades centuries, scientists report on Thursday.

"A review of Donald Canfield from the University of southern Denmark found given that it worldwide rose is at fertilization 800% from 1960 to 2000 in the journal Science.""Given the rising cost of synthetic fertilizer production, this overload is not only economically expensive, but also initiates a cascade of large impact on the environment," says the review.

Basically find nitrogen fertilizers has led to an explosion in "dead zones" in seas and oceans, disturb, a cycle of nutrients that balanced growth, took that for billions of years, the authors:

"People can some 2.5 billion years have produced greatest effects on the nitrogen cycle emerged since the great ways of modern cycle."

The excess nitrogen is and add large amounts of laughing gas, a powerful greenhouse gas in humid areas, on climate change form.Agriculture, about a quarter produced the nitrous oxide in the atmosphere.

"The impact of people were decades Tiefe.In, we have doubled the worldwide bioavailability of nitrogen, something that often limits growth of plants and algae," Thomas Jordan Smithsonian says environmental research center, Edgewater, MD, who was not part of the review.

"The review"A very careful analysis is authorities in this area, the nitrogen cycle by three of the world"says chemist Robert Blankenship of at Washington University in St. Louis, who also was not part of the review.""The concerns increase for how the nitrogen cycle now significantly out of balance is important and must be addressed by changing the agricultural Praktiken.Der world food supply depends directly on nitrogen application in the form of fertilizer, but current practices are such that a large part of the applied nitrogen in rivers and the ocean, where it causes serious problems, ends."

"The authors say"Natural feedback of micro-organisms driven probably a new steady state over timescales of many decades, will produce"review.""But because of the projected increase in human population by at least 2050 it will feed demand for an increase in fixed nitrogen for crops to this population."And that means more dead zones, warn that year, year 2010 about the size of New Jersey in the Gulf of Mexico flowering.

"Several new approaches and a much wider use sustainable time-honored practices, however, nitrogen use can significantly reduce", connect steps as statement:

better crop rotation better timing, amounts of fertilizer, developing genetically fertilizer hoarding Cropsimproving wheat, barley and rye through to limit current Breedingsupplying cereals and other crops with microbes that produce nitrogen

"The rising costs and environmental toll on fertilizer demand will increase after less use on farms, add.""Even with management, the future cycle probably others be however before the industrial revolution."

By Dan Vergano

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