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2011年1月20日 星期四

6 ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Does your home use energy as breakfast buffet? Or do you approach the use of energy as you on weight Watchers and you're scoring at the salad bar? Most likely, you fall somewhere in between.

[Photo: 12 money mistakes nearly everyone makes]

These days, most of us know that we need to reduce our energy consumption for more energy efficient homes. In fact you may have already made the switch to CFL bulbs or turned your thermostat down by a few degrees. If you're willing to do more, but then Kudos to you! Here is a list of changes is relatively easy and painless, you can do to further reduce your home's carbon footprint.

1. monitoring your energy consumption

Do you know how much that old refrigerator in the basement you energy every year??Acquisition device control energy as kill a Watt, really opens your eyes to how much energy your appliances sucking down each month. If you find that your old refrigerator, (which is practically empty) costs you $ 20 per month to start, you may be inspired to donate it to someone who genuinely need it. On top of that you will reduce your energy consumption and decline and save on your utility bills in the process.

2. take on need a roommate

A new study SMR research concluded that one person households increased by more than 350 percent since 1960. People who live alone use 18.4% more power than a two-person households and 52.8 percent more than three million households. If you are currently a lonely, you can dramatically reduce your household carbon footprint by taking on neighbours and cheap apartments to rent.

3. Compost your food waste

You'd be surprised if I told you that I have Vermicompost cell in my kitchen? Yes I compost all my kitchen waste with worms. Nothing goes to waste. Composting, your food waste makes a big difference. When deleting a landfill methane. This is a greenhouse gas 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. More food we keep out of our landfills, fewer greenhouse gases we will issue. The benefits of composting is slowly growing. It is easy and when done right, no smell or draw rodents. In turn you get a 100% organic compost and worm tea "for your home garden. For more information about how to build a compost bin.

4. bamboo Plant

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants around, and it sucks up to four times more CO2 than trees. If you want to have the wind in your backyard, you live in the favourable climate, opt for bamboo.

5. restore your clothing line

Start getting rid of your dryer will not only save you $ 20 per month on average on your electric bill, but it will also help you save hundreds of pounds of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Think drying lines is the pain? Well it's all how you look at it. Line dry in my basement during the winter months, so my clothes to get a little tough. But years of drying lines is pure bliss. My clothes smell like fresh air, sunshine, a lazy afternoon.

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6. reduce your dependence on big technology

Medium-sized refrigerator in Europe amounts to 9 cubic feet. Here in the United States, is a whopping 18-26 cubic feet. And 26% of households have two refrigerators. Often the second refrigerators is more than 15 years, which means that it's even more energy efficient. We love our large coolers. But these jumbo sized cutlery drink a lot of energy. Your refrigerator has about 20% of your monthly utility bills. Switch small, energy Star rated refrigerator really help minimize your carbon footprint. You don't need to try to reduce the cost of in-home extravagant energy.

We hope these tips will help you to take small steps toward your goal. Do you have any other tips or suggestions?

Heather Levin providing Top of personal finance blog Crashers money often writes about green topics that will help preserve the environment while saving you money at the same time. Read more of her work at Green dollar.

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